CherryTech is back! The largest technical event on cherry production

Great expectation has been generated by the announcement of the second version of CherryTech, the largest technical event for cherries. For the second year in a row, the event will bring together the entire cherry industry around topics relevant to the crop.

“We are very happy to announce that CherryTech 2024, the most important technical event specialized in cherries, will be held on June 18. It will be an interesting event where, once again, we explore the world of
cherry production with the most important exhibitors with a focus on post-harvest, crop management, rootstocks and much more,” said Gustavo Yentzen, CEO of Yentzen Group and co-founder of CherryTech.

Within the next few days, the complete program of CherryTech 2024 will be announced, which will feature the participation of the main technicians and professionals of the Chilean wax industry.

“Cherry production has many technical aspects that deserve to be analyzed. On this occasion, we will address three of them through the form of masterclasses, which will be taught by industry leaders. In addition, we will have instances of discussion
and analysis on rootstocks, water and post-harvest, three major topics that are essential in this crop. Soon we will be announcing the speakers, but without a doubt CherryTech 2024 will be a must,” said Carlos Tapia, technical director of Avium and co-founder of the event.

The different topics will be addressed in depth and with the active participation of the public, which is expected to exceed 1,000 attendees again for this second version. In addition, the instance will have an interesting call for those who wish to present research results, which will be reviewed, selected and exhibited in digital poster format.

Tickets are on sale now

CherryTech 2024 already has a date and place: June 18 at the Monticello Events Center, located in San Francisco de Mostazal. Those who wish to attend can purchase their tickets through the platform.

“There is a great demand for tickets for CherryTech 2024, both nationally and internationally, so we want to invite the cherry industry to buy their tickets in advance. We have limited space and we don’t want anyone to be left out of the
cherry industry’s biggest technical event,” said Marie Bach, CEO of Yentzen Group and co-founder of CherryTech.

During the first edition of the important event, 60 companies participated by presenting their products and solutions, in a large area of stands. To date, this sector has already been filled.

“This year, six weeks before the event, our booths are completely sold out. We want to thank all the companies that trust CherryTech and that will be part of this second edition. Cherry Tech 2024 brings great news and is, without a doubt, the most important technical event and cannot be missed,” concluded Jorge Tello, Co-founder of Smartcherry and organizer of CherryTech.

Within the next few days, the organization of CherryTech 2024 will provide more details regarding the largest technical event specialized in cherries.

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